Get out the Vote

Get Out the Vote

Voting Information

Registering to vote can sound complex and if you don't know the steps required to vote then why would you put in the extra effort?

Voting is important. From the Presidential election down to your local and state elections. 

Check out the rest of this site to learn more about how to register to vote and the information/materials you will need to register.

Student Government is encouraging voting by sharing information about how to vote, hosting registration events and helping students to find their polling place.

So, let's register to vote! For most, registration will take just minutes. It's easy! Just keep in mind that the deadline to register to vote is October 17!

August 8:
Primary Election Day

September 19:
National Voter Registration Day

September 22:
First day to vote early in person

October 17:
Voter Registration Deadline (same-day registration available on Election Day)

November 6:
Last day to vote early in person

November 7:
Election Day

Campus Vote Coordinator
Christa Martin
(320) 308-5693


Register to vote!

Frequently Asked Questions

I moved to college from another county/state. Do I have to go back home to vote?

This is the first time I plan to vote. What do I need to know?

What are my voting rights/What if I'm working on Election Day?

How do I vote?/Where do I vote?/Who do I vote for?

Can I vote if I'm currently homeless?

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